
List of contents:

  1. Stavario system control - general terms, buttons, filters
  2. Company data - setting of company data that will be entered in the daily construction log
  3. Notice-board
  4. Projects
    1. Overview - show, import, filter, bulk upload
    2. Individual project - project creation, basic information, responsible users, notification recipients, notes, tasks, weather, photos, report
    3. Invoices - invoice details
    4. Documents - document details
  5. Clients
    1. Roles and creation - setting up roles, creating a client and assigning a role
    2. Client interface - navigation in the client interface
  6. Daily construction log
    1. Overview - Journal Creation, Identification, Stakeholders
    2. Daily records - filling in, joint record, groups (subcontractors), signature, printing
    3. Signatures - how to sign a journal, plain vs. certified signature, signatures from the administrative supervisor and signatures with a stamp
  7. Employees
    1. Overview, groups and creation - groups, creation of an employee, times, vacation, OSH (record + repetition), hours worked, document templates
    2. Records - how it works, filtering, editing records (adding a working day to an unregistered employee, adding a break)
    3. Documents and news - document details (from user, for user, for employee), change log, sending news to employees
    4. Vacation and absence - payment, transfer of vacation
    5. OSH - document with signatures, orders for regular repetition
  8. Properties
    1. Property records - overview, property creation, tasks, news
    2. Rental - we are preparing
  9. Tasks
    1. Settings and theory - types of tasks, user / employee / client relationship
    2. Task creation and chat - task detail, attachments, change log
  10. Warehouses
    1. Categories and manufacturers - creation of categories and manufacturers
    2. Items - add / import items, item detail
    3. Inventory overview - purchase, reservation, transfer, consumption, depreciation
    4. Warehouse reports - filter, XLS generation
  11. Reports
  12. Documents - we are preparing
  13. Settings
    1. Basic settings - bulletin board, invoice download, basic settings, SMS settings, login, general settings
    2. Users and roles - role settings and user creation (in preparation)
    3. Groups - creating groups and explaining how they work in journal entries
    4. Added buttons - adding buttons and functions in employee records